Doing laundry used to be my most dreaded task of the
week when we lived in an apartment. I had to lug everything to the laundromat
and wait there for hours washing, drying, and folding my clothes. But now that
we have a new house, my husband decided to build a laundry room in the wide
hallway leading to our garage. At first we just put our new washer and dryer in
the hallway. When we had saved a bit more money, my husband installed a wall
with a doorway to separate the room from the rest of the house. His last step
was to put in pre-made cabinets.

Our new laundry room is orderly and convenient.
Getting the laundry done is not such a chore anymore - I just throw in a load
and go about my business in the house. The pre-made
cabinets are great for our laundry-related stuff, and also gave us extra
storage space. We use the cabinets to hold miscellaneous household items such
as cleaning supplies, tools, spare batteries, etcetera. I will certainly never
complain about doing laundry again!